Photography and foodstyling for Kaufland

Summer and barbecue season is around the corner. Photography and foodstyling for Kaufland’s special promo

A special promo for a double-page selection of cheeses with really cool fruit sauces.
#kaufland #fotografia #foodstyling #gril #katalóg #byMAISON

New layout for a special edition of catalogues for Kaufland including photography, foodstyling and complete production

We enjoy working with food. Even more so when we can create new graphics and tasty compositions.
#kaufland #photography #foodstyling #catalogue #print #layout #byMAISON

Our latest foodstyling photo shoot finds new way to combine most popular items of in a chain store catalog

Superfast production plus creative ways of combining most sold items from the grocery stores in Czech made us come up with these wonderful arrangements.
#foodstyling #food #photography #byMAISON

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