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#breadway #bakery #darkseries #photography #byMAISON

Products are photographed in-house in our own photo studio. Thus, we provide a comprehensive service to the client starting with packaging design photography and print supervision. In long-term cooperation, clients appreciate the fact that we have their brand, so to speak, felt. We know what the client wants even though sometimes they may not be able to articulate it. We have been focusing on photography and food and product styling for several years. Overseeing the entire photography process at all times is our creative director and lead graphic designer for the project. Because of this, we are able to provide a continuous high level of food photography for our client.

Czech bakery company Breadway, for whom we have successfully managed a complete redesign of the packaging, approached us with a request to create a series of photos for promotional purposes, as well as for their website. We were given a number of baked goods to photograph, which are considered to be the most successful in both sales and customer popularity. We can also confirm from our own experience that this is not an exaggerated advertising statement, but a statement based on truth, which was confirmed by the fact that we ate everything after the photo shoot and or gave it away to friends.

We went the twilight route, which gave the foostyling a touch of rusticity through the combination of beautiful old wood, the proprietary items gathered around the bazaars and the soft, dramatic light cast from a small hidden source. This style was used with interest in Italian painting (Italian chiaroscuro) in the 15th and 16th centuries. A derivative method of dark objects dramatically illuminated by a column of light from a small and often hidden source is called temnosvit or tenebrism. The basic principle for us was to emphasize the form and overall shape of the pastry, which was best achieved by the impact of the light in a strip that fell on only part of the scene. The last and integral part of the photograph was the retus, which gave the photo the right and refined hallmark of photography with a result that satisfied both parties. The photographs submitted comprehensively meet the client’s requirements and their variability allows for use in multiple media for a variety of purposes, from promoting the overall brand branding to the actual presentation of the client’s product.

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